Alternative Process Portrait Contact print Gravure of Architecture and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Gary Auerbach News
Gary Auerbach Statement
Gary Auerbach Resume
Gary Auerbach Articles
Gary Auerbach Gallery
Gary Auerbach Photos
Email Gary Auerbach
Email Gary Auerbach
Gary Auerbach Links
Gary Auerbach Books
Fine Art Camera Hand Print Master of Photography of Taos New Mexico and Walter Cronkite

Alternative Process Portrait Contact print Gravure of Architecture and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Submit Entry To Guest Book


Hi Gary,

I noticed you are linking to a handful of sites about photography, but you aren't linking out to

Have you seen it yet? It provides detailed biographies of 100s of Famous photographers

Hope you‚re having a lovely day! Keep up the good work, I really enjoy


July 4, 2015

Rolf Schmolling

Dear Mr Auerbach,

Today I came across your web-representation of your book of portraits of native Americans. While I will not be able to afford your book I'd like to express my admiration and the pleasure I took from reading both interviews and seeing the images you took. I will show the site to my children (5 + 9) and try to properly translate the interviews into German. This is very touching!

Rolf Schmolling

February 21, 2015

Micheal King


I love this site!

Micheal King

June 11, 2014

Wynn White

Hello Gary,

I'm now in Izu-kohen participating in a group exhibition at Atelier Kasuga. He has your print, Navaho Blanket Weaver. I just wanted to tell you how beautiful I think that print is. If you are interested you can find information about us at:

All the best,

May 2, 2014

Jessica Braiterman

HI Gary,

I would love to talk with you about your "We Walk in Beauty" project. I work at the Baltimore Museum of Art and am researching a painting which I believe is of Crucita Romero's mother. I would love to know how to contact her family to learn more about their lives. Kindly let me know if you have contact information for her or her children. Deepest thanks, Jessica Braiterman

May 1, 2014

Elizabeth Ann Wightman

Hello Gary!

We met at the Festival of Books @UofA in March! I purchased your lovely Amerind Catelog. I appreciated your invite to meet for coffee. I hope it is not too late! ;) Please contact me! I recently (got over my private side) and joined FB, so you might recall my face:) I was wearing a Southwestern Hat, which I believe you liked when I was feasting my eyes on your work. Our chat was a mutual "Walk in Beauty". My Best to you & yours! I look forward to hearing from you...Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas & Happy 2014!


December 18, 2013

Hilary Scott
Content Editor for


I head up the content department for Our team here has crafted a new resource for both experienced and novice photographers:

Our goal in creating this list of tips is simple. We want to equip people with the knowledge they need to take amazing pictures.  We also want to help our young site grow with great content.

I wanted to share our resource with you because I think your readers can really benefit from it, and believe it would make great content for your site. Feel free to share the list with your readers.

Hilary Scott

November 7, 2013

Zara Larsen

Hello, Gary -- Abbott Taylor prompted me to catch up with you, and I would like to extend an invitation to come on "Circles of Change" radio 1041.FM or to stream on Saturdays, 10-noon.  Over 500 podcast segments are on our site, and we are mobile by texting drzara to 69852.  Our mission is to offer pragmatic advice and unconventional wisdom to educate and inspire people about positive personal career and organizational change.  Would propose we talk about your career as photographer and chiropractor, netting a nice audio segment for marketing.  No charge whatsoever.  The show is brokered (aka I pay for the time), and sponsors like Abbott help us keep to cost neutral.  Would you be open to pre-record in early December for airing on the 24th, or come live on the 31st? Also, my husband, Ted, works with AZ Litho on publishing art books, so we likely have many common acquaintences.  Give me a call -- 520.668.9935 c; 520-733-5758 o.  "Ho!  mework" is very lite, and I am committed to this being a fun and easy experience for all guests.  Best regards, Zara

October 31, 2011

Jerry Eisner

Hi Gary, I saved the shutterbug article about you and your work for nine years. I still have it and as i'm still inspired by your all that you have done. Jerry Eisner

August 3, 2011

Mike Chervinko
Serious amateur photographer who has a passion for 19th century printing techniques.  

Thank you for your openness with your advice and insight into this fascinating process.  Your native American work is one of the things that initially inspired me to want to do this myself.  I also have a passion for native American life and enjoy shooting petroglyphs that are local to me.  

Your love for this process is evident by your masterful technique and your impressive resume, yet your down-to-earth demeanor is perfect for the casual learner via flickr.  It's kind of funny how true passion naturally facilitates the need and ability to teach -- and you are no exception.  

You are a true gift to this archaic and wonderful practice.  Your technique is masterful and yet your demeanor is down-to-earth.  Your work has inspired me to want to do this on my own, and your openness and advice has been kind, helpful, and much appreciated.  It would be an honor to own one of your pieces . . . someday ;-).  

Thank you very much for the online help via flickr.  It has really shown me your genuine passion for this process.  Its funny how natural teaching something is when the teacher is unconditionally dedicated to their craft!

In closing, it would be an honor to own one of your pieces, and someday I hope to make that a reality.  Keep up the excellent work and, again, thank you - thank you - thank you for sharing some of your experience with me.  I hope to keep in touch and look forward to seeing future creations.




Vlad Vyshemirsky

Dear Gary,

I had a look at your work, and I have to say you made some of the most stunning photographs I've seen recently. I am deeply impressed. It had taken me two hours in the morning to admire your images. I can only imagine how they look printed in platinum.

It is difficult to say what I liked the most - all the images are real masterpieces, and deserve to be admired on their own. :)

I loved your Parisian series, I can't even say why, it is the mood and the serenity of those images that remind me about the happiest moments of my life.

And the portrait of Carlo Giantomassi is perfect - that classic style of environmental portraiture gives a feeling that I know that person, that I can see a little piece of their life. This is how I want to be remembered too.

What can I add about your Native American series that hasn't been said before :) -- I grew up and lived my whole life in Europe, I met many people of different cultures, but I have never met a native American person yet. Your photographs gave me some kind of realisation that those people are real. That they live among us, and they have their own heritage which is different from ours, yet very important to be remembered and preserved.

I really admire your work, Gary.

I hope I have learnt something just by looking at your images, and I hope I will remember the mood and the ideas I had, so I can improve my vision as a result.

Thank you! I hope to see more of your work in the future.


February 14, 2011

Joyce Godwin Grubbs

Dear Gary,

What a legacy to leave and I want to point out it is a legacy to the nation. There are more so many important things in history fading and being pushed into oblivion and distortion. These works and your books help assure that the Native Indian heritage and truth live on. Thank you so much for your works, and I thank God for endowing you with such skills. Personal regards and best wishes.

January 11, 2011

Fernando U. Juan

Dear Gary,

Just to make sure you get my note. How'd you been. It has been a while - 10 years!
Are you still with our 3D Cameras? I still have over 5,000 lenticular screens. Some with vertical lines.
Please reply to get us back on the ball.
Guestbook Note: Happy to see a note from Ms. Annie Holt and very recent dated Sept. 15, 2010.
Will try to connect with Annie for the same interest in our photography, both privately and professionally.
Please keep us all updated on your recent success.

Kind regards,
Fernando Juan

September 24, 2010

Annie Holt

Dear Gary,

My name is Annie Holt, and I am a senior at the NH Institute of Art in Manchester NH. I recently photographed a pow wow in Fort Hall Idaho-I set up an outdoor studio with pro lighting, of the dancers in the pow wow, to photograph them for my senior project. I am now photographing Native American Indians from the eastern side of America for a compare/contrast. I would love to get in touch with you for a little help and guidance. I have a class this semester, Advanced Handmade with Bev Conway (she is mentioned in the Alternative Photography book, from, if you'd like to see her work). Anyway, in her class we are making digital negatives for palladium printing. I wanted to share with you, my project and what I am going to be doing for the advanced handmade class, and for my senior class I will make digital negatives for making salt prints with a gold toner, for the same theme.

I am a student who has the passion and drive for photography, and for photography historical figures, and for the Native American culture. You may contact me anytime, my info is on my website, At this time, I am working on adding some new photos of my current work, Portraits of the Native American.

Hope to hear from you soon Mr. Auerbach!

Annie Holt

September 15, 2010

Gabrielle Whiting

Hello Gary,

My name is Gabrielle Whiting and I go to school at Hamilton Girls' High in New Zealand. I am a Year 13 (12th Grade) student taking history as one of my subjects. A project we are each individually expected to carry out is a study on a historic movie of our choice, and research the historic evidence of how accurate the events in the film are. I have chosen to do the movie "Dances With Wolves" directed by Kevin Costner.

The reason I have contacted you is because I saw a photo of a man "Bob Red Elk" from the Sioux Indian tribe, and I was wondering if I could possibly have his contact information because I have contacted another person, and they reccommended that I talk to him about the Sioux history. Any information you could provide me would be great, and largely appreciated. Thank you for your time, Yours Sincerely, Gabrielle Whiting

April 21, 2010

Anthony F. Vuturo MD

Elegant and Thoughtful

Both Understated and Stunning

January 25, 2010


Chelsea Reeck


My name is chelsea reeck I am a photography student at Montana State University. I am in a professional practices class and am researching different photographers. I am hoping to interview you since I have a similar passion for platinum photography. please let me know if you would be available to answer a few questions via email. i would really appreciate it.

thanks, chelsea

November 8, 2009


Martina Starinská

hľadám informácie o platinoprinte

November 2, 2009


Vicki Kilborn

Hello from Australia.
I happened upon this website and was engrossed by the beauty of these photographs. Hearing from people themselves added a depth and reality I have not heard before.
I found I had to see and read every story. I hope the rich culture and traditions of these amazing people successfully navigate the challenges of modern day life.

October 28, 2009



I don't know how to express my emotion when I look at all these photos.

Respect is one of the main words for this wonderful people of yours.

Merci Gary

Emotion, respect and memory are my words to describe your images.

Thank you for all.

October 5, 2009


Tracie Taylor

Absolutely amazed.

So glad that I googled you. :)

A new artist to stalk. I love it.

Your work is extraordinary.

Your journey here is extraordinary.

You are extraordinary.

Quite an inspiration.

Best wishes,


September 16, 2009

David Hughes

Hello. Have followed your work for several years now. Wondered how sales, and the platinum world in general, has been going? Have thought about dipping into it, portraits specifically,
and wondered if you have if anything if you had a brief response to how the platinum print world is at the moment.

September 10, 2009

Marie Ancolie

Thanks to Lida Chaulet's photos and interview. This is how I did discover your photos. I dream on some of them, and a dream is priceless.

Fantastic work and what an awesome gallery.

August 23, 2009

Ron Flory

Expertly seen and wrought work

Love the piece, 'Constantina'. You have some fantastic work for sure. Geez, all the celebrities and love the Native American work. Just saw some Curtis work in St. Louis in the rare print room by appt. They were photogravures.

August 14, 2009

Laura Campbell

The Drawing Studio -- wonderful series, Gary!

June 21, 2009


David Hosten

Lovely work as usual Mr. Auerbach. I have been an internet fan of your work for quite some time, and am especially taken with 'We Walk In Beauty.'

May 28, 2009


Michael Cornelison

I am a photography student at the Art Institute of Colorado, I print in platinum from 6x6 and 4x5 negatives. I would like to interview you for my Alternative process portfolio class.
Would you be available via email for this? Thank you in advance for your time.

May 2, 2009

Michael Thompson

Mr Auerbach,hello. I endorse all the accolades already expressed of your work. I came upon your site just by chance (providence) and it has given me a purpose to focus on.
Thanks. Michael Australia.

May 2, 2009

Kemal Çelik

This is Kemal from Hotel Niles in Ýstanbul who had a chance to assist you to take a photo of BLUE MOSQUE.
.It was a great experience for me and it was really an honor to know you. I was interested in taking photos with my
digital camera untill I saw the beauty of the image from your old style camera.

I wish you a long life to show the beauty of the world from the glasses of your great camera to the world. best wishes

April 28, 2009

Kemal Çelik

This is Kemal from Hotel Niles in Ýstanbul who had a chance to assist you to take a photo of BLUE MOSQUE.
.It was a great experience for me and it was really an honor to know you. I was interested in taking photos with my
digital camera untill I saw the beauty of the image from your old style camera.

I wish you a long life to show the beauty of the world from the glasses of your great camera to the world. best wishes

April 28, 2009

Sheila Lepley

Hi Gary, A photo you took of my aunt, Tela Panitch, 8 years ago at Hacienda
del Sol for Mom's 90th birthday is on p A17, Jan 22, 2009 in the AZ Star
paper. Great shot. Best to you and the family.

8:24 AM January 22, 2009


Hello Gary.We talked sometime last week about your account. I have to
say, I love your work! You are a great artist. I'm so glad that I came to
check out your site. Hope to see you around Tucson.

9:44 AM Devember 22, 2008

Max Conrad
Theme page: Links
Thanks & Regards

2:19PM July 21, 2008

Martin Frank
Hi-I'm a new associate member at Soho Photo and saw your images there last nite and loved them. Am myself a LF photographer just beginning to work with Alternative Processes.--Marty
9:55am February 13, 2008

Bill Amos
Hi Gary, I just purchased on of your books,"WE Walk in Beauty" I wanted to ask if these are signed, If not where will you be having a showing and signing. The work is Magnificant!! Be Well
-7:02am January 31,2008

Lisa Stovall
Hi Gary, My name is Lisa and I'm a counselor and a collage artist here in Tucson. I just recently saw some of your work at the Tucson airport and it was the photo of Robert Red Elk that really struck me. I have some questions about that piece and about Robert as well. I am wondering if I could come by and see more of your work and talk with you? Peace,
-3:55 pm January 29, 2008

Rob Weiss
Gary, It was so nice to personally meet you at LeBuzz in Tucson as I checked email. I enjoyed your exhibit at the Tucson Airport the very next morning. Regards,
-1:48 pm January 29, 2008

Jeffrey Sklan
As a fellow portraitist i want to commend and thank you for for this important and very well done work.....i am picking up my camera to-morrow. now that's inspiring!
-9:00pm January 19, 2008

Luis Alberto Steinberg
Dear Gary...all the works are amazing.- I can't believe the beauties of the polaroid transfer images, and of course all the Indians series, how you know I feel that they are SUPERBE...a great anthropological and artistic work...
I know also the wonder works of the antique techniques...All for me is a stunning work. My best regards from Buenos Aires Argentina.- LUIS ALBERTO STEINBERG (AFIAP) Photo Club Buenos Aires.- President of the board.-

-12:45pm January 17, 2008

 I have seen the prints in person, exquisite!
-6:54am, January 17 2008
We are glad viewers enjoy the website and Gary's work. Feel free to contact us @ for website, hosting and e-mail information.
-9:58am, January 10 2008

Great!!  Your work speaks for itself !!
-4:30pm, January 9 2008

Robert, my webserver is iRapture.
Jacob and Jeremy at and

-8:35am, January 9 2008

Robert Puckett
Dear Gary, I love your website design. may I ask who you had do the design for you? thank you, Robert
Guestbook Note: Great art!

-5:45pm, January 8 2008

Dave Lackey
Great website! Thanks for your explanation of the platinum printing process. I am just now becoming interested in the fantastic results. I hope to open my own studio this year but am also thinking of LF in lieu of digital. Do you think this setup is worthwile pursuing? If so, I will need help in learning the platinum process. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your kind assistance,
Atlanta, Georgia

-8:45am, January 7 2008

Michelle Marcoux
Gary - I absolutely love your Native American photos and your articles. Thank you for sharing them with me. I will be in contact with you within the week.
-2:57am, January 2 2008

David Wilkinson
Hello Mr Auerbach
Greatly impressed by your works in platinum. I would love to see some of the native american portraits in person. I have just recently started pt/pd printing my work would like to get your professional opinion may I bring some prints to you sometime? I am based out of Los Angeles but i will be in Tucson for the next few weeks studying at ccp.
Until then,
Thank You
-9:17pm, November 15 2007

Ray Bello
Hey Dad, Just wanna say thanks for letting lauren be a part of my life and the Hunter Volleyball family!!!!! I hope to see you at a game or your opening!!! Hope all is well and Give my love to the rest of the family.......
-9:58pm, October 24 2007
Richard Arthur
Your book 'We Walk in Beauty' is remarkable. Thank you for posting it on the internet. Best wishes, Rick
-7:25pm, August 27 2007
Michael Moore
Gary, these photos are amazing. Great joy to look at.
-3:09pm, August 27 2007
Lee Probst
We enjoyed meeting you recently at Le Buzz and I am quite impressed with your work. This is quite extraordinary. I am sure that I have seen something of you or about you before, perhaps "Shutterbug" magazine which I subscribe to.
-10:29pm, February 10 2007
Mary Owens
I have about 70 platino prints from Roman statues to the White House. Each has a number in the bottom corner of the picture. On the back of one print(the only one with something on it) it says "Brown's Platinoprint" and "home from the fair" Rosa Bonheum (?) and the front of another one it says "Julian Dupree 1880". Can you tell me any thing about these prints. Thank you.
-8:32pm, January 12 2007
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!!o
Philippe Berger
Bonjour Gary, Je vrois que vous parlez Franais Je voudrais commencer le tirage au Platine / Palladium Vos tirages sont superbes Pouvez vous m'aider Avez vous des formules et un mode operatoire pour le Platine Palladium expliquant en details comment faire Je voudrais surtout les proportions des differents ingredients chimiques des tirages au Platine Palladium Merci de votre aide Philippe
-10:24am, November 4 2006
Vicki Wong
Hi, I have a 60 years old b/w photo. It has a bit of tears and folds. Can you please give me some ideas/suggestions on how to protect it from further damages? Thanks, Vicki
-2:12pm, November 3 2006
Hello, Very good site. Thank you!
Barbara Hewett
Gary, I have enjoyed looking at my framed Navojo Blanket Weaver portrait every day for over one year. My daughter and son-in-law purchased it for me at last year's Musicale Regale. Sincerely, Barbara Hewett
-3:24pm, October 28 2006
Kindra s
Dear Fellow Photographer My name is Kindra Dutton. I am a photography student at Stivers School for the Arts in Dayton, Ohio. Stivers is an urban public arts high school and part of Dayton Public School system. More information on Stivers School for the Arts can be found at I am writing to solicit a donation of a piece of your photography for our annual fundraiser. The photography department has, for the last five years, held a silent auction to raise money for the department. The auction consists of student work and donated work from professional photographers. All the proceeds raised through the auction go directly to the photography department and are used to buy cameras for the students, darkroom equipment, and general photography supplies which keep out program running each year. The auction is set for March 16, 2007. We will gladly accept any donation and will mat and frame and unframed photographs. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at anytime. If you wish to contact my teacher, his email is below. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely. Kindra Dutton Photography Teacher: Robert Giesler Stivers School for the Arts 325 Homewood Ave. Dayton OH 45405
-6:02pm, October 21 2006
Excellent site, added to favorites!! ...
I browse and saw you website and I found it very interesting.Thank you for the good work, greetingsT
Nelly Jaouen
Les photos sont vraiment tres belles, felicitations. Amicalement.
-8:40am, October 3 2006
De Bie Guy
Hello, Mister Auerbach Finely i have visited your webside, i was very impressed, it is really a great site. Maybe you still remember me, my name is Guy De Bie Accountant from Belgium,we met each other at Paris in the period of the Roland Garos tournament in a small restaurant near your hotel. At the evening you went at the Cabaret "Aux Trois Mailletz" with your wife. I wish you and your family all the best and i hope you may still taste a lot of very good "Vins de Bordeaux"
-2:57pm, September 28 2006
A fantastic site, and brilliant effort. A great piece of work.
Bernard Pineau
My youngest daugther told me : "Dad, you've to see this site, it's great !". So, what can i say ? "He's really great !" Best regards from France and Sweden.
-11:42am, September 15 2006
amanda kamm
hey mr auerbach i play volleyball with your daughter at Hunter College. she told me all about you. my boyfriend is a photographer as well. i showed him your website and he loved it! i love the pictures of lauren. hopefully you'll come take team pictures of us! in platinum so they'll last forever! Bye! Go Hawks! Amanda (and lauren)
-2:44pm, September 5 2006
Michael T. Moore
Gary, I've just found your web site and I am thrilled to find another photographer that shares my feelings about platinum prints. I'm currently where you were as I'm shooting with a Hasselblad and a Zone VI 4X5. I too have been wanting to teach myself how to develop and print platinum prints. Are there any books you used or would recommend for someone starting out in this field? Thanks, Mike Moore
-5:12pm, August 30 2006
-6:48pm, August 26 2006
-5:04pm, August 12 2006
I browse and saw you website and I found it very interesting.Thank you for the good work, greetings
Nice site... Cool guestbook...
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Hello admin, nice site ! Good content, eautiful design, thank !
Many interesting information on your site - keep up good work
hi dad its your daughter i miss you and like your new picture from France... very interesting and not like alot of your other work. I know your Santa Fe exhibit will turn out great!! Love, Lauren
-11:30am, July 18 2006
U S Pal
Respected Sir, My name is Udayan S Pal. I am an ameture photographer residing in Kolkata - India. The reason I am sending this mail to you is because I am a collector of Brochures related to Photographic Exhibitions. I am in the process of creating a Brochure Archive of Photo Exhibitions around the world. To this effect I would like your help. I would appreciate it very much if you could send me the brochures/Flyer/Synopsis of your past, future and ongoing photographic exhibitions. Our permanent address is: Udayan Sankar Pal Korackati-Tangrakhali, W.B.-743329, India. Or you can send your brochures to the address typed bellow before AUGUST-2006 : Udayan Sankar Pal, 49-52-14 Shantipuram, AP-530016, INDIA Looking forward for your help and prompt response. Best Regards, Udayan Sankar Pal +919830479060 OR +919885982060
-8:16pm, July 5 2006
christopher nisperos
(extrait from original message: -Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 19:45:00 (EDT) Hi Gary, Nice work. I saw a question you had on the board from several years ago. You'd asked about retouching on B&W 8x10 negs. I'm sure by now you have your answer. Are you still retouching your negs? From all of these messages, it's clear that you're very busy! It's been nearly three years since I sent my original message, but it'd be great to hear from you once you put that big camera down! Best, Christopher Nisperos Paris
-10:34pm, June 26 2006
Lahary Pittman
Hello Gary, I am quite inspired by accidentally discovering your work online. I am inspired partially due to the parallels of our transitions. I am a retired acupuncturist that then became a systems analyst. I'm 57 years old. In 2004 I somehow found myself in the South of France independently creating my first body of color fine art photography. Somehow I then found myself accepted in New York city fine art exhibits. But as you know this is not a means of predictable financial security. But I am secure in my determination to be a working photographer. So I am writing for your opinion because you too found the will to break out-and move up. My aspiration is moving up to large format and making a living as an architectural photographer, and doing platinum printing. My question is
-3:26pm, June 7 2006
ruthann (roth) nahum
gary- i am lois and walter roth's oldest daughter- we met in israel many many years ago. (i am also sister to (stephen) shimon, donna and (jonathan) yoni, and mother to 3.) i will be in tucson tomorrow, saturday, for just a few hours, with my oldest son who just recently completed his service in the israeli army. if you get this message in time, perhaps we could arrange to meet sometime in the late afternoon before we head out to phoenix, even just over a cup of coffee ? ( i will be visiting old friends , Jeffrey and Sara Goldstein, mid-day.i know this is very last minute and may not work out, but i just wanted to at least make contact, even if only by e-mail. Have you been back to Israel since that trip so many years ago ? If it seems like you might have a little free time tomorrow late afternoon, I do NOT have a working cell phone with me, but you might be able to reach me at the Goldstein's- I believe their number is 435- 9207. Regards- Ruthann by the way, i love your photographic work !!! I have always credited you with sparking my interest in photography, which has remained my most passionate hobby.
-11:33pm, May 19 2006
Tamara Lake-Brickner
Hello Gary I was wondering if you moved away yet? I am doing good...being a military brat as you said. I haven't talked to Bob or Greg, I hope to try to get a hold of them because I haven't seen them for quite sometime now. I moved to Gilbert with Jeff in the month of March. I miss home being in Iraq isn't so much fun being away from family especially. I was also wondering if you were going to take photos of my
-3:23pm, May 19 2006
Lyn (Sweet) Meyer
Hi Gary, I hope you are the same Gary Auerbach that lived in Roslyn back in the sixties. I came across your website and thought your photography quite beautiful. I just wanted to tell you. The last time we talked was at our 20th high school reunion. It looks like much has changed in your life. I would love to hear from you, if you have the time, and catch up a little. Hope you family is well... Lyn
-7:47pm, May 11 2006
Gary Auerbach
Dear Mr G.Auerbach My name is Nikiha Maguire and I am currently studying a Diploma of Photoimaging at the Sunshine Institute of TAFE. We are currently doing a research assignment of the different forms of careers in photography. Travel Photography is a career that I would be interested in getting in to after my studies and I would like to learn more about this career aspect of photography. Therefore, if it is not too much trouble it would be greatly appreciated if you would not mind answering a few questions that I have put together. If there are any question that you are not comfortable answering please do not, any information that you can give me on this type of career is welcomed information. Q How did you get in to the industry & how long have been a Travel Photography? Answer from Gary, I have always been doing a great deal of international health work, and have carried an 8x10 camera with me. I especially like to shoot for myself with night time exposures. A Q Did you have any other type of photographic experience before you went into travel photography? I Answer...I do mostly portaiture or travel photography. All platinum. A Q What is your view of this industry? (i.e. is it tough to get in to, how is it going at the present, where do you see it going) is a tough field. lots of stock shooting or else fine art...GA Q What are the main forms of photography that you do while traveling and is there any particular you would suggest to be experienced in? (i.e. portrait, landscape) Answer...whatever moves you. People places, things. Inspiration to photograph. GA Q Do you work freelance or for any companies? A Q While traveling what images do you normal look for when photographing. Answer...Unusual GA Q In this industry what is your life style like? life style is not dictated by the photographic work I do GA Q Does Travel Photography give you any particular rewards in life as a person and photographer/ Answer...if you can make something special out of your work....otherwise it is like every other day Q How often do you set out on an expedition and what is the normal time length of the trip? Answer..when I go abroad..two times a year...or out to photograph native americans, which has been inconsistant of late....GA Q Does each trip require a certain amount of research? Answer No. Q Just a general question, what do you prefer to shot with film or digital? Answer, large format film for my artwork, digital for my snapshots.
-5:54pm, May 1 2006
Gary Auerbach
Hello Nikiha, I have responed to your questions.....thanks for writing.. GA
-6:03pm, May 1 2006
Nikiha MAguire
Dear Mr G.Auerbach My name is Nikiha Maguire and I am currently studying a Diploma of Photoimaging at the Sunshine Institute of TAFE. We are currently doing a research assignment of the different forms of careers in photography. Travel Photography is a career that I would be interested in getting in to after my studies and I would like to learn more about this career aspect of photography. Therefore, if it is not too much trouble it would be greatly appreciated if you would not mind answering a few questions that I have put together. If there are any question that you are not comfortable answering please do not, any information that you can give me on this type of career is welcomed information. Q How did you get in to the industry & how long have been a Travel Photography? A Q Did you have any other type of photographic experience before you went into travel photography? A Q What is your view of this industry? (i.e. is it tough to get in to, how is it going at the present, where do you see it going) A Q What are the main forms of photography that you do while traveling and is there any particular you would suggest to be experienced in? (i.e. portrait, landscape) A Q Do you work freelance or for any companies? A Q While traveling what images do you normal look for when photographing. A Q In this industry what is your life style like? A Q Does Travel Photography give you any particular rewards in life as a person and photographer/ A Q How often do you set out on an expedition and what is the normal time length of the trip? A Q Does each trip require a certain amount of research? A Q Just a general question, what do you prefer to shot with film or digital? A Thank you for your time and the information you have provided. You can email this information back to Once again thank you very much for your time.
-7:16am, April 27 2006
Sandra Fonseca
Mr. Auerbach, I just wanted to let you know that you insire me. I am currently a student at the University of North Texas obtaining my BFA in photography. My dream is to have my own studio specializing in platinum photography. Like you, I currently shoot with my 6x6 Hasselblad but plan to move up in size. Your work is a pleasure to view. Thank you for the vision!
-9:28pm, April 17 2006
hallo, ...das ist eine einladung auf unsere seite. (!!! kostenlose registrierung !!!) _community freunde der fotografie. mfg s ps:
-2:50pm, April 14 2006
Tom Pomilla
Nice talking to you this morning. Checked out your WS. Very nice! Especilly liked your cyanotypes and the photo of amsterdam.
-3:35pm, April 9 2006
william kelly
gary. nice to see you at coffee house. sorry to rant about politics. i am a bit disillusioned about our political leaders on both sides of the fence. YOU ARE RIGHT. our culture is having some major problems. glad to see you are keeping up with your photography. your work looks great. you have a good eye. wkelly
-2:25pm, April 9 2006
John Watt
We Walk in Beauty is one of the most dignified and beautiful works on Native peoples I have had the pleasure of reading. Truly inspiring!
-5:50pm, February 17 2006
Sky Lopez
Dear Gary, I just received a special gift from you through Caroline Ragasa. She showed me your latest photography book, and I was impressed. The smaller sample of your larger work is also impressive. You have a way with your subjects. Its as if they are giving you some special part of them, or sharing it with you, and your camera. Thank you so very much for the Native American Portraits book. Perhaps we can get together and talk. I understand we are both in the Public Health Program at the U of A. Respectfully, Sky Lopez
-6:06pm, February 14 2006
Josh Schachter
Gary provided a clear and informative discussion about lighting and composition with my Tohono O'odham photo students. His review of my students' photos was focused on what a critique should be about - helping each student become the best photographer they can be. Thank you Gary.
-11:22am, February 7 2006
Donna DeBacco
Simply Beautiful Images. I just googled searching for information on how to do 4X5 polaroid images, and stumbled across the alternative process page. I just love the idea of using a 4X5 camera. In the world of everything being digital, I just bought my first RZ67 mamiya. I think after reading your article and seeing your images, I am going to look for a used 4X5. I might be stepping way out of my league, as I have no idea what to do with it, or how to use it but I guess that just means a little more research for me. Have a lovely evening. Donna
-9:49pm, January 27 2006
Sheila Lepley
Gary, I googled your name and came up with lots of stuff. Thanks for the book and Swiss candy (which I'll eat on special occasions.) The text in the book is a great idea. It makes the people come alive and their comments are interesting....The thoughts like the photos become frozen in time and one can understand how the tribes are evolving just from these comments and the photos. Great idea. The book is very good, lots of hard fun work. I'm proud to own it. Need your signature in it. And you are traveling and exhibiting all over the place. See if you can get yourself written up in the Arizona Post Newspaper....and maybe you can do a show at the JCC. That will really cause a stir in the local community. They have a nice big gallery. Just now there is/was a photo exhibit by the Olsons. This web site was probably done by your David It is good, nice and clean. He's helping Ben do a web site. See you at the opening. Congrats on all of this good work. Many thanks for the book. Sheila Lepley
-9:59pm, December 26 2005
Nissim Levy
Delightful! Thank you, again, Mr. Auerbach. I am just a photography lover. Yours Nissim Levy
-5:10pm, December 21 2005
I am very impressed with your work and site. I really liked your portraiture of the local Native Americans. You have a great ability to connect with a person's character through your lens. As a fellow photographer, I know that it's difficult, sometimes, to show someones true personality beyond their exterior. Good job.
-3:34pm, December 3 2005
Will Brown
Hello Gary One of my co-workers told me about your photography (since we both have the passion of art on the side) and gave me the link to your site. Boy was i impressed! The way you capture the imagery of the Native Americans is simply mindblowing. Your photographs are really worth 1000 words. Thank you for the inspiration, Will Brown
-11:07pm, November 30 2005
Sara Brown
congrats on your book i look forward to attending the opening.. your work is inspiring thank you and good luck
-8:37pm, November 17 2005
Aaron Gerdes
Hey Gary, congrats on how great the KUAT clip looks. I hope I can make it to your next gallery showing!
-12:44pm, November 17 2005
Anna Charbonneau
Hello Gary. Fan of your work sending congrats on the great looking website. Brightening a rainy day in Seattle!
-3:41pm, November 17 2005
Emily Nieben
look forward to seeing your book and congrats on getting published... your work is inpiring.
-8:28pm, November 17 2005
David Ian
Nice work gary, can't wait to see the book!
-5:36pm, November 15 2005
Hi Gary...trying to send you an e-mail via and it's coming back with an error message...could you let me kow if you have a new address. Thanks, Maggie
-9:56am, November 13 2005
Lorena Castillo
Hi Gary, I am a student at Brooks Institute of Photography. My resent class requires me to contact professionals in my field for an interview. I would love the opportunity to ask you some questions and some advice as a working photographer. I admire your work and I know that you will have useful information as I ready myself for a professional photographic career. Please contact me, thank you. Lorena
-12:57pm, November 11 2005
Duncan Gwin
Dear Mr. Auerbach, My name is Duncan Gwin. I am a photography student at Stivers school for the Arts in Dayton, Ohio. Stivers is an urban public arts high school and part of the Dayton Public School system. More information on Stivers School for the Arts can be found at . I am writing to solicit a donation of a piece of your photography for our annual fundraiser. The photography department has, for the last four years, held a silent auction to raise money for the department. The auction consists of student work and donated work from professional photographers. All the proceeds raised through the auction go directly to the photography department and are used to buy cameras for the students, darkroom equipment, and general photography supplies which keep our program running each year. The auction is set for February 23rd and 24th. We will mat and frame any unframed donation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time. If you wish to contact my teacher, his e-mail is below. Thank You very much for your time. Sincerely, Duncan Gwin Photography Teacher: Robert Giesler Stivers School for the Arts 325 Homewood Ave. Dayton, OH 45405
-7:18pm, November 3 2005
Gary, J'ai duit par votre travail, et vous m'avez donn envi de me lancer dans le travail platine/palladium... J'ai commenc  suivre vos conseils et j'ai fait mes premires photos... J'aimerai faire des portraits
-8:31pm, October 28 2005
Selina M. Curley
Hi Gary, I just viewed the segment on KUAT. It was great!! Your work remains beautiful. I am grateful to have worked with you during your Apache portraiture. All the best to you and your endeavors. Selina
-Sunday, Sept 29, 2005 at 1:29:16 (EDT)
Le tres bon site. Tout est precis, d'une belle maniere et travaille sans arrets. Qui faisait ? Probablement par le chemin ?
-Sunday, Sept 25, 2005 at 11:02:44 (EDT)
This is a wonderful site, its about midnight here in paris and i have to wake up at 6 for school but since i just discovered this site i'd prefer to stay online
-Sunday, Sept 22, 2005 at 8:09:19 (EDT)
Your work is beautiful!
-Sunday, Sept 11, 2005 at 4:40:25 (EDT)
Ram R Krishna MD
Congratulations,you have a beautiful collection.Hope to see you soon.Good luck
-Thursday, Sept 8, 2005 at 6:45:12 (EDT)
Audry Rockinbaker
bonjour mr auerbach! flicitations!! your work is amazing.. especially your french portfolio.. some of the most beautiful pictures of my country that i have ever seen..! mieux de la chance,  audrey
-Monday, July 11, 2005 at 9:10:40 (EDT)
Joan Emm
Hi Gary, Just saw your nominated photo "Morning Light" at the Spider awards site. Very fine! Surprised you enter as an "amateur". :-) I think you can call yourself a professional now !! Anyway - All The Best to you, and keep up the lovely, poetic work. Joan in Oregon
-Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 3:33:51 (EDT)
David Ian
Great work Gary, nice site too! Keep it up...
-Saturday, June 25, 2005 at 11:18:51 (EDT)
jim sincalir
I saw your name in the alumni bulletin and googled you. I was Rick's roommate once at UofA and I sublet that house on Mable from you. I still have your photo of the setting sun through the screen on the boat off Morocco on my wall as well as the photos of you and Roger and your then girlfriend, Pam? It's fantastic to see what you've accomplished. I've gone on to 645 format from the 35mm I bought back in 1970. It's reinspiring to see your work again. Too bad you didn't win in 1992. I'll stop your in gallery the next time that I'm in Tucson.
-Saturday, April 30, 2005 at 19:02:51 (EDT)
jean colemonts
i loved your website , great !!! jean servais henri colemonts
-Saturday, April 30, 2005 at 18:29:23 (EDT)
Ken Merfeld
Ibelieve I received an email from you about a week or so ago. Only 1/2 of the message came through for some strange reason. It said something about ... "amazing work ... and that you knew or had spoken with my brother, Gary, who lives over in Hawaii." My email address is ; . [I think that the link from my site to email is a little goofy at the moment and that may have been the original problem.] Anyway, I am here if you need or would like to re-send. You have a wonderful range of interesting work between your Platinum and your polaroid transfers ! ... Take care ... Ken Merfeld
-Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 19:54:51 (EDT)
adam bulharowski
04/18/2005 gary A short note to express appreciation for taking time to talk to me on the phone today. Love your work, and look forward to seeing some of the real thing when we return from our impending trip - about 3 weeks. I am also eager to talk to you about the platinum process. Will call you then. adam
-Monday, April 18, 2005 at 18:30:25 (EDT)
Selina Curley
Hello Gary, It has been a long while since we've seen you. Your website is absolutely beautiful! I'm glad to see that you got to photogragh the Navajo people. Of course I most enjoy the Apache photos. Our family is well,the little girls you photographed here are now in junior and high school! Maybe its time for another visit to San Carlos,we'd be so glad to see you.Continue on in your wonderful endeavors. I glad you got see my site, I hope soon to update it so check in again later this year. Take care and hope all is well with you and your family. How's the pistachio going anyway? Again thanks for the encouragement about the website. Selina
-Saturday, April 02, 2005 at 14:39:59 (EST)
howard s. greenberg
Gary: I have been using POP for three years now, and have decided to try pt/pd process. Since all my negatives are extremely dense with an ES of 1.98 which is well beyond the scale for even pure palladium prints- do you suggest I skip the Ferric oxalate no.2 and use only Ferric oxalate no.1 for the sensitizer and try only pure palladium or perhaps no more than a 1:9 ratio of palladium to platinum to start?
-Saturday, April 02, 2005 at 10:44:33 (EST)
Taylor Whitney
Dear Gary, I love the layout of your website. So clean and chic - looks great! (you're not so bad yourself.. ) Taylor
-Monday, March 28, 2005 at 10:42:48 (EST)
Steve Kiefus
Dear Mr. Auerbach, I have just finished perusing your entire website and I am moved to say thank you. Not the off-hand, polite kind of thank you we all use in our daily life but truly: thank you. Thank you for the beautiful art. Thank you for the intelligent, stimulating words. Thank you for the lucid explaination of your process, your mission and your art. Thank you for organizing it all on a well designed website. But most of all, thank you for finding and preserving these images of humanity and the human soul for all of us to enjoy for, what did you say? Five hundred to a thousand years? Remarkable! Good health and good luck to you for all your years.
-Saturday, March 26, 2005 at 02:28:49 (EST)
Bobby Chitrakar
With the advent of Digital technology, photography is getting more mechanical. Platinum printing keeps photography organic while producing superior quality prints.
-Saturday, March 19, 2005 at 10:20:05 (EST)
Richard Rumsey
HI Gary: I just came upon your site accidentally by googleing my name. How strange is that. We just accepted an offer on our house and will be moving to Tucson in May/June. I am looking forward to seeing you again after all thesse years. Be well, Rich
-Friday, March 18, 2005 at 18:16:25 (EST)
jackie glinsky
Hi Gary, It's Jackie, my son ISHI is is the art world big time. He is making me feel old but not LOOK old, i hope. Did you know that Richard and Heike Rumsey are moving to Tucson for retirement?fun.Let's make sure they have fun not retirement......Love Jackie
-Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 02:26:52 (EST)
Allan Jenkins
Hi Gary!Was just admiring your wonderful portraits of the Navajo Indians and true americans,amazing. I'm a Photographer from London. I also shoot on large format, what a wonderful way to work and,of course with the platinum process.Such a luxury! Check out my web-site if you have a moment! Best regards Allan.
-Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 04:38:28 (EST)
Bob Snell
Hi Gary, As you may recall. I asked your permission to put a link to your site, om my site, as you are one of my favorite photographers. I'm planning to be passing through Tucson, in early March and want to take a few photos of your "Dove" mission church. My questions are: Is there still scaffoling on it? and what is the best time to shoot the most interesting side? I also hope to have enough time to stop by the resort to see some of your work, up close. Thanks Bob
-Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 23:33:43 (EST)
Dear Gary, I don't know if you remember me. We met in a pizzeria in the "quartier latin" in Paris with two friends. Congratulations for your photos, indeed they are very professional. You really well managed to capture the spirit of Paris that i love so much! If you come back to Paris i would be pleased to meet you again. Yours sincerely Evrard
-Sunday, January 23, 2005 at 11:50:10 (EST)
Leighton Kirkpatrick
Gary It was good to speak with you. Fabulous work. I would love to work with you..sorry about the 8x10! Leighton Kirkpatrick
-Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 12:23:52 (EST)
Suzanne Cerny
Dear Gary, Thank you for stopping by at my site at the Powwow at Rillito River today. I was surprised by your forthright presence. You stand out like one of your platinum portraits and exemplify your works. I see that you are on Walter Bazarin Gallery. I must contact him to let him know that I have met the second artist in his gallery whose work is unusual to say the least, and excellent in all respects. It is great to know that you are working for the longevity as well as the inner beauty of your photographs. Thank you for your friendship and the opportunity to browse your portfolio live. I think you are very gracious. Sincerely, Suzanne Cerny
-Sunday, January 02, 2005 at 01:28:49 (EST)
Patrick Larson
I absolutely love your photos and your enthusiasm for this process. I want to try it! Thanks for motivating me! Patrick
-Monday, December 13, 2004 at 18:27:02 (EST)
de la chesnais
I'me one of the students you met at the pizzeria. I saw your photography and I am very impress by them. And I am waiting for your photograpie of Galery Lafyette and arc de Triomphe. I hope that we helped you with our informations Good trip Martin de La Chesnais
-Monday, December 13, 2004 at 09:38:22 (EST)
Matilde Maria
I just want to thank you because I enjoyed so much your platinum work. Matilde Maria
-Sunday, December 05, 2004 at 15:08:07 (EST)
Dave Wooten
Dear Gary, I really appreciate your website. I am just converting to platinum and your photographs are most influencial. 1. To achieve the density range during exposure, are you overexposing and reducing development time. 2. Do you recommend any of the currently available films and developers as being more suitable for platinum etc. 3. Do you conduct workshops? Thanks again Dave Wooten-Las Vegas
-Friday, October 29, 2004 at 10:11:56 (EDT)
Sharon Burke
Hi, I am the one that who picked pocketed your boarding pass from Tucson to Canada via O'Hare. I am really enjoying your work on this website. Please compliment your webmaster. I am coming to Tucson on November the 1st. I will be there until November 6-9, give or take. Let's have dinner. Ciao, Sharon.
-Sunday, October 17, 2004 at 16:24:31 (EDT)
Hi Gary, I arrived some days ago in Tucson to support engine test but we were working like dogs to have everything set up for test. I hope that now we could have a day off to come to see you. I will give you a call as this oppotunity appears. Did you manage to take new photos during your stop in Paris? Best regards.
-Saturday, October 09, 2004 at 10:12:06 (EDT)
Jonathan Talks
Dear Gary, I have just viewed your work on your website through your online gallery. It is with pleasure that I am inviting you join our gallery. As assistant co-ordinator for the gallery, I am responsible for recruiting up to 24 artists to represent in the UK and Spain, it is our wish that you could be one of them. We have been online since August 1. At present we can offer you a place for 6 months and will review things after this time. Our commission rates are 30%. We are hoping to sell in open and limited editions as well as original works of art, either exclusively or in co-operation with artists existing plans and acting as another shop window. Please let me know what you think Sincerely Jonathan Talks Sol gallery director Sol gallery Roma House 39 Greendale Road Arnold Nottingham NG5 6QD United Kingdom T. + 44 115 8598740 M. + 44 7966 964 983
-Friday, October 08, 2004 at 07:21:27 (EDT)
I think that your work with the poloroids are beautiful. i find them fascinating
-Tuesday, October 05, 2004 at 01:17:24 (EDT)
mary nordmeyer
Dear Gary, While trying to locate a picture of Crucita Romero in New Mexico Magazine, I came across your web site. I would like to know in what issue of the magazine Crucita was featured or if it was another magazine, which one? I contacted New Mexico Magazine but they said they had no record of the picture or her name. I know she was one of your Native American portraits but I didn't see it here on this site. Back in the mid l980s, I visited Taos Pueblo and met Crucita for the first time. I have just returned from there and have seen her again, now quite disabled with rheumatism. We had another great visit and I reminded her of our last visit, during which she had a marvelous picture of her grandmother who had a mass of long, flowing, gray hair. I wonder if you saw that picture as well. I have one of Crucita's ceramic birds done in the l980s and some of her son's jewelry. I would really like to have a picture of her or locate the one you took. I would be happy to pay for it. Can you help me? I really hope so. This old woman is a treasure and I don't want to forget her or what she looks like. Thank you for any help you can give me. Mary Nordmeyer 14920 Sobey Road Saratoga, CA 95070 (408) 354-5981
-Wednesday, September 29, 2004 at 00:16:56 (EDT)
Alexandre PUECH
Hi Gary, After you showed me your very unique work in hte plane between Tuscson and Atlanta on your way to India, I went to your website and I discover other amazing photos, especially the sceneries. I went also through the portraiture section of native Indians, it is really great because you can feel the life and the soul of these people. I will probably be in Tucson on 30th of September and if I have a free week end, I will go to Tucson museum to see your work. As I may have problems retrieving personal emails, you can copy me on my professional email: The weather is really great in Paris on this Sunday 26th of September. Hope it will stay so for your stop in Paris for more great pictures. Best regards. PS: I remember you told me that you will be in Paris on 27th, unfortunately I will not because I will be away in Normandie for business.
-Sunday, September 26, 2004 at 04:49:22 (EDT)
Murali Rajendra
Hi Gary, That was great meeting you at the university in Jayanagar Bangalore. I looked thro. your Gallery and it is highly impressive. We have a Multi Media Organization here at Bangalore,we do lots of work on Concepts ,Corporate Films and the Web Technologies too. Please do remember us if you want any work done in any Domain,. Regards Murali
-Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 07:38:20 (EDT)
Stuart Walker
Hi Gary, your work is absolutely gorgeous - I'm truly inspired. I'm moving into large format work 8 x 10. I've narrowed my choice of cameras down to Wisner Expedition or Ebony. Both have adequate bellows extension for my needs. The question I would like to ask you is this: The Ebony, for a hefty surcharge can be supplied with an asymmetrical back. What do you think personally about these U backs - good feature or gimmicky? Lots of people I know get by without them - is the extra cost and weight justified. Thanks for any of your personal thoughts on this subject. Keep up your wonderful work, best Stuart
-Wednesday, September 22, 2004 at 14:07:34 (EDT)
Irakly Shanidze
thank you, i am truly flattered irakly
-Wednesday, September 08, 2004 at 22:07:42 (EDT)
The citrus scent of mimosas hung in heavy, monsoon-seasoned air Faces of angels, living and non, carefully framed and waiting to be gathered, like lightning-struck-sand. Merci for sharing your work with me; you clearly love what you do. H-T
-Friday, August 20, 2004 at 13:47:34 (EDT)
Dr. James Oppenheim
Hi Gary, Lvoe your stuff. At one time I did photography as a hobby. YOur work inspires me to want to dive in again.
-Monday, August 16, 2004 at 10:15:13 (EDT)
Canard Sebastien
Hello Gary I was your driver for the night picture in Paris How is the result your faithfully Sebastien
-Tuesday, July 27, 2004 at 12:45:59 (EDT)
George Grosfield
Youve been busy. Ive sent you aseperate email. BWs George
-Monday, July 26, 2004 at 22:23:57 (EDT)
Andrea Castillo
Hi Gary: Someone on our staff (who owns some of your works) suggested I contact you to see if you'd be interested in helping us with our 20th Annual Luxury Car Raffle, the TSO's largest annual fundraiser which helps us continue to provide live performances and music education programs to the people of southern Arizona. I'd like the opportunity to meet with you if possible in the next week or so. Please email me or you can call me at 792-9155 between 9a and 5p M-F. Thank you in advance for your time and I hope contacting you in this way was okay. Andrea Castillo
-Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 14:51:22 (EDT)
David Hughes
Your images have convinced me to complete my approach to platinum printing, something I started several years ago. Your images are compelling, an understatement. The draw towards the native americans, and the south west, is overwhelming to me as well. So just dropping a line to indicate how extraordinary, and important, your images are... regards, david hughes
-Monday, July 19, 2004 at 03:38:40 (EDT)
John McCallum
Hi Gary. I've seen some of your work posted at, always enjoyed it and I just noticed you had not been so active there recently. (Not that one should expect 11x14 negs to be exposed in large quantities at a time). Don't worry I'm certainly not affiliated with them; I was just wondering if you had heard of the website (Analogue Photography Users Group)? It's a forum primarily for exchanging information and sharing images that have been produced in traditional ways. I've found it to be a great resource for LF photography and also quite inspirational. It may be of interest to you .... best regards, John McCallum
-Sunday, June 27, 2004 at 21:35:52 (EDT)
Benjamin Duplan
I wanted to thank you Mr Auerbach for this wonderful picture of the Lincoln Memorial that you gave me! What a symbol for my return to US! I showed this to my parents and they are delighted and really thankful for this wonderful gift! They are already searching for the frame! So as i said in the last mail: I still wait for your future visit. Thank you again. BEN
-Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 16:17:18 (EDT)
Will Pierce
Hello, my name is Will Pierce; I really love your work. Your Native American platinum series is amazing. I am a photography student, and wonder if you would please answer a couple quick questions to help me with my studies. Any information would be a huge help. 1)What kinds of things do you do to inspire or induce personal creativity? 2)What do you feel you do best for the buyers of your art? 3)What do you consider to be the most key element to you business? 4)What is the most difficult part of being a professional artist? 5)Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for an aspiring artist? Any comments will really help me a lot. Thank you very much for your time and help Will Pierce
-Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 02:51:45 (EDT)
Jack Steele
Wonderful website, loaded with great information and amazing images. Anyone interested in PT-PD printing needs to visit this site. A true artist and a super nice person. Thanks for all your help!!!!
-Monday, June 07, 2004 at 17:23:30 (EDT)
Hi Gary, it was a real pleasure to discuss with you on the train between Rennes and Paris. I thank you for your catalogue. I found your platinium portraitures very nice and it was very interesting to talk about the american indias with you. I hope that your trip in Paris was good and that you bring beautiful photography from Britany and Paris. Best whishes. Franois from Rennes in Britany
-Monday, June 07, 2004 at 15:50:38 (EDT)
Xan & Rob
Hi Gary Remember us, fellow Jim Morrison grave seekers in Pere Lachaise - Paris? Great website with some really interesting facts. So how was your island in the sun? Best wishes, Rob & Xan
-Friday, May 28, 2004 at 09:18:30 (EDT)
Ewa Brzozowska
Hello Gary :) Thank you for very nice words about my photo. Greetings from Warsaw :) Ewa
-Monday, May 03, 2004 at 08:48:02 (EDT)
John Terence
Dear Gary well what can one say I have been an amateur photographer since 1960 and have never seen such wonderful prints as the 'Platinum' type. the only technical camera I have is the MPP 5" x 4". I,live in England, and so I will give this method a try, my wife Sylvia is very intrested as well. John
-Sunday, April 11, 2004 at 06:38:24 (EDT)
Ajay V. Pandurangi
Hi Gary, I would like to give you a call to talk to you further on the idea of setting up a Chiroparactic school, in association with my father's intitatives, in Bangalore, India. Please let me know when it woud be conveniernt for us to talk. ajay v. pandurangi 916-983-1127
-Monday, March 29, 2004 at 00:16:59 (EST)
Benjamin Duplan
I would like at first to thank you because it was a real pleasure to visit that site ( really well done especially the french part ), I've always been really attracted to that kind of picture ( old black and white type...). The picture is extremly charming and I liked a lot reading the whole story that you told in the "statement part". I'm a curious personn and that was interesting for me to learn about something that I completly ignored: I have to admit that I am naturally really attracted to this art but I just don't know many things about it. I will visit this site again. It was very nice to meet you in personn and through your profession and your passion. Merci beaucoup Monsieur Auerbach. Benjamin Duplan
-Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 22:59:15 (EST)
Bart Oldenburg
I am a former Combat photographer who would like to esplore platinum printing. I did a search and located the following from an interview you provided. I can not locate the artcile referenced below. Can you help? ________________________________________________ On your web site,( you provide an emulsion contrast chart and sources for chemicals, and give directions for making the emulsion, coating the paper, printing, and developing. That is a great service for anyone interested in trying the process, and I especially appreciate the sharing of techniques and ideas.
-Sunday, March 07, 2004 at 18:24:53 (EST)
GP Merfeld
Aloha Gary, I received a notice from Usefilm that you had commented on one of my images, and I just wanted to touch bases with you personally, as I find your work incredibly fascinating....not only for your wonderful and unique use of the Platinum print making process, but also for your work in preserving the elements and spirit of American Indian culture through your portraits... I feel that we have much in common in that area, as I am trying to do similar things as regards the culture of the Hawaiian people... I hope this is a proper venue for getting in touch with you, personally... BTW, what a wonderful website you have created, and what a valuable technique your are keeping alive and well and growing creatively in this modern age... I wanted to let you know that I do not spend very much time at Usefilm any more, for a variety of reasons (mostly due to the work/time factor, as I am sure you can relate to), but I have found that when I do have the time, I am really enjoying the photographic community over at There seems to be a more positive, supportive interaction, and some truly very talented people over there, sharing their art and goodwill, without the importance of point ratings (and its tendency to result in less than substantial comments) to be concerned with, should you so choose. The website itself, is very professionally run, with terrific features that really make it enjoyable and easy to pop in and out of, as time and schedules permit... I just thought that I would mention this to you, as I feel your presence, however great or small, in that community, would be so valuable, and I believe greatly appreciated... As a side note, I would also like to point you to my brother's website, as he also is involved in an almost forgotten photographic process that, like yours, is so fascinating in its ability to capture real "essence in portraiture." He is one of the few people in the country using the wet plate collodion process, and I think you will find his work extremely fascinating. His address is: Though I currently work in the digital format, mostly due to my extremely rural location, and the ability to have creative control through the digital darkroom, I can deeply relate to your process and philosophy, especially in the areas of cultural preservation, and print longevity ( a mighty challenge in the digital world, but one I feel is making gains)... Didn't mean to go on so long here, and I hope that this reaches you, so that perhaps we can stay in touch in whatever way is convenient to you in the future... I just want you to know how much I respect and admire your work, your philosophy and your creativity... Feel free to email me at your convenience, and know that I send you much Aloha from the islands ;~) Take care, GP Merfeld Island Preservations
-Friday, March 05, 2004 at 14:26:31 (EST)
do you hold classes?
-Thursday, March 04, 2004 at 03:09:39 (EST)
Jennifer Auerbach
Hi, Gary I absolutley love your photography. I am actually a amature photographer myself. I love nature and people. I am actually that we have the same last name it isn't common. Are you related to Bob Auerbach? Thanks, Jennifer
-Sunday, February 22, 2004 at 13:26:33 (EST)
Liz Richards
Thank you SO MUCH for the fabbbbulous platinum prints AND the New Year's Eve Round Dance images! I've showed many of the people in the OIPS here at AH. After 3 days of assisting on the SSB shoot, along with tomorrow and Thursday being scheduled to assist the photog from Air & Space -- I'm hoping to finish my mega-scanning project, so that I may email you some 72 dpi jpegs!!!! Mega thanks Gary -- and I'll shoot you an email with attachments by the middle of next week (the shoots have been hectic and heavy since returning from TITD). :) Liz
-Tuesday, February 03, 2004 at 14:42:53 (EST)
Aaron Scheff
Hi Gary! It was good to see you again. I'm glad that all is well with you and yours. We really should "do lunch" sometime. Your website is super! My email is: and my website is: TTYL, Aaron
-Monday, February 02, 2004 at 21:48:13 (EST)
Hello Gary. This is Chris from Raptors Inc here, we were the people that had the birds of prey at the Tucson pow-wow. We have finally received a reply from our federal regulator regarding the use of the photo's and we are afraid that it is telling us not to. Here is the complete e mail from her. I had checked with my counterparts prior to my attempting to contact you. We somewhat agreed that it is a "questionable" area as far as "legality" but we agreed that if the Native American was not holding/handling the raptor but it was next to him as in "have revered raptors such as the " " for generations next to him. If the raptor has jesses it is hard to say that he is out in the wild and handling this bird or that he is a falconer. so placement of the bird would be of outmost importance. If this is NOT the case, please do not use the pictures. In modern times (since 1972) it has been illegal for anyone to have migratory birds in their possession without a permit and the picture should not be mis-leading.. In the future, please wait for decisions prior to taking action especially since I advised you that "it was iffy" that it could be done within the guidelines of the law as a public wildlife conservational issue. Kamile McKeever Permits Administrator - Migratory Bird Office Southwest Region 2 - Albuquerque, NM (505) 248-7882 fax (505) 248-7885 Web site: "raptorsinc" 01/25/2004 11:21 PM To: "Kamile McKeever" cc: bcc: Subject: Photos Hi Kamile: I have finally had a weekend at home to work on things and get caught up. I know we were playing phone tag in regards to the photo of the Native American and 1 of our birds. What we decided was prudent was to take the photo pending approval of its use. If it is not approved, it will not be used and will simply become part of the photographer's collection. If there is any specific wording required in explanation such as highlighting the native American teaching of respecting all creatures and Mother Earth, there will be no problem. Your office probably gets a lot of complaints, and of course there are always politics, but most of the Native Americans I have met do still have a great respect for nature and its creatures and teach their kids to preserve it. Please let us know what the ultimate decision is. Thanks much, Heidi Sorry but this means that we cannot use the photo's. Thank you Yours Chris and Heidi
-Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 00:33:08 (EST)
helloIm carol sister lori in missouri your work is very beaAIful so are you. i think the nice pictures are of indains are arent looking at you but away it some hows has peaceful look well if that made any sense take take lori norvel
-Monday, January 12, 2004 at 17:17:25 (EST)
Patrick Planchais
Good morning, i am the man whom you signed an autograph in St Michel place in Paris the october 12th 2002. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year 2004.Good photos!
-Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 05:26:37 (EST)
Spencer Wynn
I love your work. I have been looking at it for some time and am wondering if printing this way can be achieved with pinhole images. I am a landscape painter in Canada. I always paint the distand wilderness areas of the country, from the Rockies to the hight Arctic. I am considering pinhole images since I can make large prints this way - I do not have an enlarger or large format camera. I also like the quality of the pinhole images. I am wondering about how successful platinum printing is with large contact prints form pinhole. I would greatly appreciate your opinion. Thank you Spencer Wynn
-Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 14:33:14 (EST)
Love your work, very inspiring!
-Tuesday, November 04, 2003 at 21:30:37 (EST)
Jessica Talley
As an amateur photographer, I am so interested in this platinum portraiture. Do you have any workshops?? I want to know more about this process!!
-Sunday, November 02, 2003 at 00:00:06 (EST)
Ilona Schneider
Dear Garry, After 20years in commercial photography, I went back to large format. I enjoyed your platinum portraits. Platinum printing will be on my next agenda. My husband Kevin J. Frost, also a passionate large format photographer, is building me a 11x14 View Camera. My favourite is still portrait. I apprenticed in this field in a traditional studio in Salzburg/Austria. Making "slow" portraits with large cameras and platinum printing seems to me the optimum. We live in Australia - plenty of space - beautiful landscapes - however we are very isolated. Not much large format photography here. Digital is the big trend. You are a big encouragment to me to keep going large format and platinum. In the moment we work mainly 4x5 and process in Pyro or Kodak's TechPan processed in Pyro Catechin developer. We get lovely results espessially for Night shots. I hope I'll get some platinum/palladium soon. Camera will be built end of this year. Thanks for all Ilona Schneider
-Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 21:31:17 (EDT)
Sandy Ongley
Hello Gary, I was at table 26 with my husband Bo. We enjoyed you and wife's company. The event was great. I looked at you gallery and WOW, I love what you are doing, how unique! What fun for you! I will keep my eyes open for your works! I will have to save my money up to use your services I am afraid. Thanks for being you. Sandy Ongley
-Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 10:53:14 (EDT)
Darryl Edwards
Hey Gary, I hope this finds you well, I've had you on the mind for some time but have been so busy I haven't been able to call. How are you? How is your work? Any new imagery? Let's get together and talk over some coffee.... All the best, Darryl
-Friday, October 17, 2003 at 20:43:56 (EDT)
geoff bunker
-Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 02:34:23 (EDT)
christopher nisperos
Hi Gary, Nice work. I saw a question you had on the board from several years ago. You'd asked about retouching on B&W 8x10 negs. I'm sure by now you have your answer, but the nature of your question makes me want to stay in touch with you because I'm about to start in 8x10 portraiture myself. (I co-authored a lighting book on Hollywod Portraits). Are you still retouching your negs? Best, Christopher Nisperos Paris
-Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 19:45:00 (EDT)
bob snell
Just a note to let you know my new "revised site" is up and running. My link to your site is still active, in case you're changing it, it will remain, as is. Regards, Bob
-Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 20:47:57 (EDT)
Tamara Lake
Gary, I have looked at your website and I am very impressed with the work that you do with Native American people. I am a very proud young Navajo woman and I think the work that you are doing to help preserve our heritage for the future is a great service to all. I am very interested in working with you on some photographs and would love to hear how we can get started. I am also very honored that you would like to photograph me! Please give me a call or email me as soon as it is convenient for you. My phone number is (520) 615-0772. Thank You, Tamara Lake
-Sunday, September 21, 2003 at 23:06:06 (EDT)
Steve McElrath
Gary, I first saw your work in Houston a few years ago, then again in Portland this spring. Your strong work and encouraging words inspired me to give it a try. Take a look and tell me what you think. Also, thanks for taking the time to chat, Steve
-Saturday, September 20, 2003 at 15:39:58 (EDT)
I really enjoyed your website! I'm a senior at Rowan University, and am about to begin an independant study with a local photographer in platinum photography. Up to this point I've been working with Polariod 4x5 to produce large format. I was interested to learn that there are only about 30 artists working in the medium! No wonder I've heard so little about it! Hopefully someday I'll be in your ranks. Until then, thank you for the information. And if you have any words of wisdom you'd like to share, i'd be interested. ~Morgan Kimble
-Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 13:11:11 (EDT)
Mike Buloawski
Nice fotos.
-Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 11:46:53 (EDT)
Ken Cornwell
Mr. Auerbach Thank you for sharing your images with me, as well as the world. As a photographer myself in my infancy of learning you have given me great inspiration. Thanks again, Ken
-Friday, September 05, 2003 at 21:11:00 (EDT)
Dear Gary, Greetings from India, How can I make use of your profession in India. Pls give details. Best regards Rajasekaran.P
-Friday, September 05, 2003 at 20:43:37 (EDT)
Hello Gary, Wow, what an eye you have, thank you for giving me a chance to view your work. It really is wonderful. My website is I can see by your work that you are indeed a man in harmony with your life's path. Congratulations, you are one of the few who have really followed your heart and succeeded. It must be that Arizona "energy"! Blessings to you and Michael and I hope your trip home will be pleasant and ON TIME. Jeanne
-Monday, August 11, 2003 at 20:58:57 (EDT)
robin taylor
Hi Gary, How are you, long time since we spoke. I have been showing off your website to my brother and this prompted me to make contact. I was wondering if your family still ran the Pistachio Ranch in Arizona ?? if so, can you send me a quick e-mail as we think there could be a good opportunity here for these. Warmest regards Robin
-Thursday, July 10, 2003 at 21:46:31 (EDT)
Tom Barkman
Gary, I read your article on Platinum Printing Made Simple, it was very good. But I have one question, what are 2 negatives? Also, for the Polaroid Type 55 did you have to treat the negative in any special way to increase the density? Thanks, Tom Barkman
-Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at 10:02:48 (EDT)
Jessica Earle
Dear Gary, I visited a photographic exhibit in town (Annapolis, MD) last weekend and was blown away by the majesty of the platinum prints. As a photographer, I realized that it is finally time for me to investigate this beautiful medium. I tried to find the photographer online (Andrew Mosedale) and ended up finding you through the B & S website. I am getting so excited imagining the possibilities of working with the sun instead of a dark room-- Do you think working with platinum is less toxic than with silver? Also, I only own a 35 mm camera. What are the chances of me finding an 11 x 14 camera? Do you know of a place where I could find one used? My boyfriend is a chiropractor--so, I find your chiropractic history very interesting........ Many thanks for your inspiring website!!!!!! Sincerely, Jessica :)
-Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 11:54:46 (EDT)
Ferenc Ballo
Very impressed and pleased to see your work. Greetings from "the black forest" southern Germany ferenc ballo grafikdesigner
-Saturday, June 07, 2003 at 13:14:34 (EDT)
Arthur Yeo
Gary, I'm very impressed with your art work. And, I'm certainly very glad that you are keeping the practice of platinum prints alive. I hope you will pass on the knowledge so that the craftsmanship of field will continue to live on. Cheers, Arthur
-Tuesday, June 03, 2003 at 02:13:53 (EDT)
cual es tu tcnica para el blanco y negro? Que pappier utilizas, que film, que developer? que tipo de luz utilizs en tu ampliadora, cual tienes? Como haces el polaroid? saludos , Julian
-Saturday, May 31, 2003 at 21:13:28 (EDT)
David Williams

-Monday, May 19, 2003 at 20:40:14 (EDT)
Charmaine Korporaal
Great work !!
-Monday, May 12, 2003 at 08:57:17 (EDT)
Stefan Zeppenfeld
hello mr. auerbach, i am a german photographer and found your website last night. i was so impressed that i spent the night (it is 5:30 in the morning now) to watch your work. and i am still impressed. hope to see an exibition in germany. if you are interested dont hesitate to contact me. i know the leader of a well known galerie for photographie here in northrhine-westphalia. i will give him your url. i hope he is interested too. best regards from iserlohn stefan zeppenfeld
-Monday, May 05, 2003 at 23:46:11 (EDT)
Dr Adrian Upton
Dear Gary, I greatly enjoyed the review of your remarkable work. Permanence is one advantage of the platinum process but the pictures have a unique quality. I am most impressed. Kindest regards, Adrian.
-Sunday, May 04, 2003 at 21:53:50 (EDT)
Darryl Edwards
I just wanted to let you know that I went to the Amerind yesterday to see your show and was moved to tears! Not since Curtis has there been anything that matches yoiur work.It is both delicate as the wing of a butterfly and powerful as a bullet at the same time. Congratulations on that body of work....I'll go back to see it again in the next few days. I'm an artist as well, just with metal...I'm a siler/goldsmith who primarily does inlay. I was Hopi trained I do channel inlay work. I show at Medicine Man Gallery on Tanque Verde, perhaps you've been there and have seen it. I'd like to talk with you about getting a piece of your work at some point....although the image I want seems not to be available...."Lady Jiron".......? Is that image available? I'd sure love to have it..... If not, I'd also like "John Thompson", "Teresino, Taos" or Aincient Cemetary, Taos".......Hell, I'd love them all. I look forward to hearing from you. Darryl Edwards
-Monday, April 28, 2003 at 17:48:29 (EDT)
Gay Johnson
Hi Gary, It was a pleasure meeting you at Photo Americas and seeing your beautiful work. Put me on the list so I can follow your news. Thanks for sharing information about your work and your success in these kinds of reviews. It was my first review which was very beneficial. I'll think of you in the Tucson desert now, close to where I lived for a few years. Best to you! gay
-Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 23:07:34 (EDT)
Fernando Juan
Dear Gary, It has been a long time. I came across the 3D pictures we did in the Hacienda Del Sol Resort and found your cards, address, etc.. Just visited your Website and must say you did a very, very good job. Sure missing you a lot. When can we get together again eyeball to eyeball and update each other in all our activities? We sure miss you a lot. Hope you are doing very well both in your family life and in your business. Please reply and cc which is my other email address just to make sure I get your email. Bye for now. Kind personal regards, Fernando P.S. Are you still experimenting with the 3D camera? Another photographer friend is very interested to learn the medium, and at the same time I will let him know about "platinum" and you.
-Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 12:18:43 (EDT)
Darryl Godwin`
Dear Mr. Auerbach, Thank you for putting up a great web site,your work is outstanding, I really injoy looking at your photos. I would like to ask you a question? Photography is my life and my dreams. I've been doing photography for six years, and still doing it. But it is really hard to get a job in photography. I can do it all. I do black & white, color, digtal also i can process my own prints and negtives. With my skills I can't get a job in Photography. So do u think you can help me out and tell me what you have to have. thank you for your time. Darryl Godwin
-Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 23:17:04 (EDT)
john rago
Gary, I admire your work. I am just starting again with photography and I like Polaroid stock - in 4x5 and Platinum prints. Then I discover your work. The shots are terrific. You have combined both Polaroid and Platinum prints. How do I find out more doing this? Are you using an emulsion transfer process and how do you go about getting on the paper? Are there books and/or web sites? I would appreciate any info you might share. Regards, John Rago
-Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 22:09:47 (EST)
Simon White
Dear Gary, After you commented on my image, 'The Painter', at usefilm, I was intruiged to view your folder. I was immediately struck by the simple beauty and depth of feeling which permeates your work. Before I even looked at your website I commented that your Native American images reminded me so much of one of my favourite photographers, Edward S Curtis. Other photographers who have captured my imagination include Weegee and Brassai to name a couple. I am always one for oblique interests and I have eccentric tastes to say the least, tastes which to me seem elegant and steeped in character. Among those are the hobby of wooden model ship building from the age of sail, ships in bottles, scrimshaw and the like. I love the works of Edward Leeteg who is responsible for the superb art of black velvet painting. My current interests in photography involve noir, nocturne, long exposures, night, painting with light, star trails, portraits and landscape work. What I have found in your work has revealed to me a new realm within photography. Would you allow me to corrospond with you via e-mail to learn more about your work and techniques and perhaps benefit from some kind of long distance mentorship? I am a 31 year old with a great passion for life and the creative arts and I feel I am a perfect candidate for a transmission of knowledge if you'd humour me in such. I would very much like to submit works for your personal appraisal and critique and to discuss how I might tread in your footsteps regarding platinum photography. Sincerely, Simon White
-Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 11:55:23 (EST)
Sharron Hier
Im doing a report on you and found your work is very interesting
-Sunday, March 09, 2003 at 22:43:03 (EST)
William Risler
Yesterday I visited the Amerind Foundation in Dragoon, AZ and was greatly impressed with the quality and breadth of your Native American portraits. I was also so happy to see the portrait of Crucita Romero of the Taos Pueblo. I met her on my own visit to the Pueblo in December 2001 and of course purchased a lot of her famous fry bread! I also fondly remember our long visit together, her stories about her son's jewelry, and of her mother, who lived well into her 90's and who taught Crucita to make the multi-colored beaded necklaces which she sells, one of which I have hanging on my wall over my writing desk here in Bisbee. I think of her every time I see it. Thank you for the great surprise of "seeing" this wonderful woman again, "immortalized" in your beautiful portrait. It helped me relive my brief, but much cherished visit with her.
-Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 19:29:48 (EST)
Esther Alcain
Thank you for your photographs! Please send me information about future work-shops that you may do. You can see my photos at: click: galerie and again over mitglieder. Best regards, Esther Alcain
-Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 12:00:09 (EST)
Forrest Cook
Site's looking good, Gary! Love the photo of the Acropolis!
-Monday, February 10, 2003 at 01:33:16 (EST)
Sonya Porter
Your photographs are wonderful. I am a photographer myself and I often struggle with everything turning digital. I sometimes feel that digital is an easy way out of being creative. I would love to learn more about platinum printing.
-Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 15:58:15 (EST)
Gene Collins
Nice Lay out Gary.I realy enjoyed seeing all your work. Talk to you later.

paula williams
Hi Gary, I am in the motions of starting out on a career in photography,though I must say I am the amateur of all amateurs,but I definately have an eye for beautiful shots and have managed to fluke some wonderful shots of my children. A couple of years ago I decided some black and white photos of my girls would make a wonderful christmas gift for their grandparents the outcome stunned even my-self, so I find my-self in the throws of maybe taking a short course at one of the local schools to further my knowledge, eventually I would love to revisit your web site to learn more on platinum photography, your work is truely inspiring.I would really like to know what choice I would have as far as cameras go if I decided to give this a go, do you need to aquire a camera as the one you are pictured with and if so what are the chances of finding one. Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks Paula Williams
-Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 04:12:07 (EST)
Jean-Pierre Lavoie
Very nice website. Good work.
-Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 08:20:34 (EST)
Tony Norris
Hi, Do you have any prints on exhibit anywhere near Baltimore, Md.?
-Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 00:52:00 (EST)
Dr. Gary, I am a student at Indiana Universtiy and am curretnly enrolled in an advance photography class on alternative processes. I am enjoying it very much and I was looking at some of your work online. I was wondering what process you used in your photo titled "constantina" the color tones are amazing. any info on how to do this would be very helpful. Thanks-- Anna Finders
-Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 16:54:55 (EDT)
hi,i write you but not about photographs.i only want to ask you the meaning of MATHA i use it in my mail adress but i dont know its meaning i heard in my dream then i start to use but it is really too nonsensical i use but i dont know what its mean i hope you can tell me
-Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 09:16:54 (EDT)
Cynthia Lund
Hi Gary - what a fabulous website. I see you were an accounting instructor here at one time! One of those "past-life" experiences, yes? (smile) Have a successful trip to WHO and if you come to Davenport please find me and we can chat. Thanks, Cynthia
-Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 10:13:36 (EDT)
Georgia L.M. Roulo
Gary, Wow! Quite by accident I came upon your web site. You are amazing, what you're doing is amazing, and what you've done is amazing. I hope one day I can attend an exhibit, see your portraitures up close, and meet you. I am a writer/photographer and I appreciate what you're doing. BRAVO for you. Unrelated to photography, there's a book I think you would enjoy reading and find extremely informative. It's titled - Your Body's Many Cries For Water by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. You can also check out The book is outstanding and defintely worth reading. Sincerely, Georgia L.M. Roulo in Chicago, IL USA 773-486-0997
-Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 19:12:29 (EDT)

Bryan Ghiloni
Dear Gary, A friend of mine was in contact with you about 2 weeks ago and she turned me on to your web site as it is right up my alley. I am a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I will graduate in three weeks. For the past 2 years Ive spent a considerable amout of time and money mastering the art of platinum printing. Ever since I learned this process my goal upon graduation was to print large format platinum professionally. I recently read your article on platinum/palladium printing and was supprised to hear that only 30 photographers in the world work in large format platinum portraiture. How much do you recomend I charge for a 16X20 Platinum/Palladium print? Additionally, any words of advice for an aspiring young artist? Thanks for your time. Bryan Ghiloni P.S. Beautiful Images!
-Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 14:16:49 (EDT)
Mark Runge
I would like to print 35 mm negatives using the platinum process. Is this possible given their small size? And if so, what is the best resource to use in learning / executing the technique? Thank you, Mark
-Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 23:46:27 (EDT)
Jeanette Cartie
Thank you for the information on the platinum process. I am especially pleased to find out that I can actually process out side the darkroom. I have an associates degree in photography and love the darkroom, but I have developed asthma, therefore chemicals and I do not get along as well now. I have experience with the poloroid direct image process and will have to try that again also. I have been away too long from my photography and need to get back into it. Thank you so much for sharing on the your webpage. Jeanette
-Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 14:45:24 (EDT)
Amanda Anttila-Oza
Hello, I am a recent college grad with a bfa in photography from Savannah College of Art and Design. I came across your website while looking up info on "fine art" photography. I am taking one last class this summer and am writing a paper on how "fine art" photography is getting lessen in today's museums. I was curious if you could possibly email me back with what you think "fine art" is, or why you consider your work to be "fine art." I really enjoy your work, it's very beautiful. I am also learning platinum/palladium photography right now. I am shooting with a 4x5 or 8x10 and getting those negatives digitally output 8x10 with a platinum curve on them, and it seems to be working well. I've used that same negative for gum printing and works very well. Thank you so much for you time. I hope to hear from you soon. Amanda Anttila-Oza
-Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 18:29:52 (EDT)
Robert Sanger
Dear Gary, How is the exhibition going in Switzerland ? Life has been somewhat crazy for me in recent weeks but at last the website has gone on-line . Thanks by the way for the catalogue that you kindly gave me in geneva after our train ride back from our respctive dinners in Nyon some weeks ago. Let's keep in touch and do not forget that in case you are in London I would be pleased to meet you and at least have a drink together, and of course if I get to Tucson I'll give you prior warning! next main big photo trip however is to South Africa for 4 weeks December - january witha short 10 days trip to Dubai in October if a war does not start against Iraq in the meantime !!! Look forward to hearing from you. best regards Robert (Sanger) Blue Planet Images - London
-Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:00:26 (EDT)
Junko Kondo
I'm a college student. I'd like to know artists of Platinotype not only today but aiso in the past.
-Monday, July 01, 2002 at 04:41:06 (EDT)
Gary, It was a great pleasure meeting with you on the train heading back into Geneva from Nyon a few weeks ago. This is just to let you know that my website is finally on-line today: Have a look and I hope you like some of the locations and images. let's keep ij touch. I am off to have photo shoot in Beijing - "Forbidden City" leaving London tomorrow afternoon. Hope all well with you. best wishes Robert Sanger E-mail:
-Friday, June 28, 2002 at 18:55:34 (EDT)
gary blazek
Nice to visit with you again, Gary ,,,love your stuff. The brochure and web site are both world class; go figure. Sorry I took off the other morning from leBuzz-I had fogotten that you had moved. Carole stopped in at leBuzz after you took off and stopped to say "hi" and level another another diminishing innuendo at me. She's gotta miss me (lol). Oh well, thanks for your encouragement and insight. Keep up the great work. Gary Blazek h 615-6576 c 808-8777
-Friday, June 28, 2002 at 12:02:26 (EDT)
Ryan O'Toole
Hello Gary, I know that you are the resident photographer at the Arizona in, but me and my fiance were wondering if you do work outside of there, and if so, if you would shoot some portraits of us at the arizona inn April 12, 2003.
-Monday, June 10, 2002 at 14:20:48 (EDT)
Denise Ratthe
Hello Gary I do not know ,if you remember me ...but I am not surprised about your new carrier as a photographer...and an extraordinary one... not surprised because while at Palmer , you were always taking even took a few of myself ..and these pictures are in the year book ...and they are good souvenir Memories for me ..keep your good work going...if one day you have an exhibit in Montreal please let me know ..iI will like to see you again and also see your art know I paint ..first it was to help me psychologically and finally it seems to go a little bit further ..I have discover in myself a natural talent in painting ...I can do portrait, reproduce anything I want to ..but not really interested in as far as I am concerned do a much better job...since 1997 I am doing most non-figurative painting, abstract if we new path in painting is just starting but I love it so much..some students of Palmer have changed so much physically that sometimes it is hard to recognize them...but not you ..when I saw you in the chiropractic paper I recognize you easily.. from Montreal Quebec Denise
-Friday, June 07, 2002 at 23:21:03 (EDT)
Vivian Jones
The hottest bikini fashion this year is the Stikini. Full details at If you wish to feature it, please contact me via web site. Regards Vivian
-Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 11:11:04 (EDT)

Hi! when I move to tucson, can i take lessons with you in Platinum printing?
-Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 10:37:01 (EDT)
Bill Lesar
Gary, had a break before going home so I have had the pleasure of looking at your work. Very inspiring and creative. I'm glad I had the opportunity to talk to you and learn about your photographs. Good luck on your show in Nice. The French seem to love the Southwest so I am sure you'll be well received. Bill
-Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 17:48:42 (EDT)
Leslie Olson (Gideon)
Hi Gary, I heard about your photography from my brother in Tucson. Do you recognize my name? I worked for you until August-September 88 and then moved to Minnesota. Ring a bell? I'm as grey as you are, I'll have to send you a pic. I've been a secretary at a Co-operative since I moved here and have remarried since. My sons, Sheridan & Alex, are 17 & 16, how about your boy or is it boys? I can't remember. I would like to hear from you. Sincerely, Leslie
-Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 21:15:40 (EDT)
Graham Jones
Good morning Garry, I have just read the article in DC Newspaper and visited your website. I am most impressed with what I see. I too am a chiropractor approaching my use by date. I practice in Belmont NSW Australia. Having always enjoyed photography i have recently started to get more involved. By strange coincidence our camera club had a guest speaker from the Newcastle University speaking about alternative techniques in photography last evening. It seems "innate" has worked its magic again by delivering information about platinum photography just as my mind was in a receptive mode. I look forward to following your links and learning more. Please add me to your mailing list to keep me up to date.
-Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 00:10:12 (EDT)
Philippe Pache
Hi Gary, Nice to visit a little your nice website , I will come later to visit it better . Hope you are well warm regards Philippe
-Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 18:02:35 (EDT)
Loli Kantor
loved your photographs, especially the drawing class and the restoration of the mossion. do you teach platinum printing ???
-Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 17:43:11 (EDT)
Madeleine Schreiber
Gary: I just paid a short visit to your web site. Your photographs are gorgeous. Shall visit again and show my friend, who is an interior designer. I think she'll like your work though she has purchased mostly paintings and lithographs until now. Maddy
-Friday, May 10, 2002 at 12:45:56 (EDT)
Danielle Lussier
Dear Mr. Auerbach, Your work is beautiful and incredubly rich for alternative processes.I am A student at a community college in michigan. I am a second semester photo student and just recently became interrested in alternative process. I am very interrested in learning about this method of printing so if there is any information you could pass along to me I would Greatly appreciate it.
-Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 13:50:26 (EDT)
Oliver Riley
I am a young amateur from England and currently enjoy darkroom work and love mono images, although due to financial constaints I am limited to 35mm. Your work inspires me; I intend to try Platinum printing some day!
-Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 01:11:50 (EDT)
-Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 07:00:53 (EDT)
Beatiful site, and beatiful picture.....
-Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 05:33:01 (EST)
Peter W Haas
Hi, my name i s Peter and I am from Slovak republic. I am pionner, like you said, in platino photo. Now I start to do it. If It possible, I need some help. I know, that I need special paper and my friend, also photographer, think, that only arches platinum is right paper for platinum proces. Do you think that he is right? Itguestbooks some another paper for platino print?Please, give me some answer!Thanks. Zor prints is realy nice, take care. Peter W. Haas,
-Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 17:31:07 (EST)
ron regalado
Gary: Great stuff! I am very interested in the platinum process. I found you out through an article in the 2002 Photographer s Market Book. Most of my work is all digital, but I am intrigued by the platinum process. If you have any tips on how to start please let me know. Sincerely, Ron Regalado
-Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 13:10:20 (EST)
John Dettling
Saw your site while browsing to learn all I can about large format. I find your work inspirational, esp. the Native American. I've been doing 35mm for a couple of years and want to move up but know nothing about large format. Here is my stuff - Congrats on finding your niche. I'm still searching. - John
-Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 11:26:20 (EST)
Lisa Carbonell
I had the pleasure of meeting you in Le Buzz coffee shop, i'm one of the baristas there. I love photography and am planning to go into sports medicine. I just wanted to thank you for giving me all those websites they have been helpful. I hope to speak to you soon in the future. -Lisa Marie Carbonell
-Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 14:36:35 (EST)
Brenda Heyman
Dear Mr. Auerbach, Your work is absolutely beautiful and inspiring! My name is Brenda Heyman and I am a photographer located in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in vintage portraiture of children with sepia and hand coloring (at this time in my life). Presently I am marketing a portfolio project to the greeting card and gift product industry...hence how I got your name via 2002 Photographers Market directory, thank you very much... Very interesting article by the way. From what I can see, you are first class all the way around from shooting to printing to marketing...which is where I aspire to be one day hopefully in the not too distant future...If you are interested in and have the time to e-mail me back I would really appreciate it. I enjoy networking with artists I respect. Thank you for your kind consideration Mr. Auerbach and your work is is wonderful. Hey, maybe if my work sells to one of these distributors...then 2003 Photographers Market directory will want to do an article on me...what do you think? Good idea...bad first question. Very truly yours, Brenda Heyman Vintage Kids Photography p.s. By the way, like the HTML too.
-Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 03:58:44 (EST)
Jessica Harlan
Mr. Auerbach, I read about your platinum prints in Shutterbug. Your prints are beautiful. I am a college student, studying Horticulture, but photography is my passion. I would appreciate any infomation you could send me! Thank you for your time, Jess
-Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 18:20:55 (EST)
Sushil Yadav
Dear Sir/Madam SSPL is a leading Image Processing Service Provider offering a wide array of Imaging Services ranging from 1. Cropping, Cleaning, Retouching and Color correction, Image Restoration 2. Key wording and Cataloguing 3. Digitization of images (Scanning in High Resolution using both Drum and Flat Bed Scanners) All activities are carried out by skilled personnel who have been associated with the imaging industry for number of years. SSPL has state of the art infrastructure like Scitex, Scanmate 500, Agfa Scanners, a high speed network of Pentium 1V's and Mac G4's etc. We provide our services as per global standards at Cost Effective Indian prices which significantly reduces production costs. Please visit at We look forward to a Long term Business Association with your organization. Warm regards Sushil Yadav Assistant Manager(Image Processing) Shruti Software Pvt. Ltd. 6E Jhandewalan Extension Rani Jhansi Road New Delhi - 110 055 India. Phone: 91 11 3631033/55 Fax : 91 11 3615758 Mail: url :
-Monday, January 21, 2002 at 00:59:32 (EST)
Jinsey Dauk Photography
Wow! You are multi faceted! Love , love , love your work!! I'm a photographer too and , like you, also have lots of other stuff going on! Just doing some research! Am thinking how to get my Fine Art Photos marketed! Don't think it's appropriate to sell them on my own site since I guess, I'm more in the sevice biz. But you seem to be doing it quite well, yes? Take a peek @ my site if you'd like! WWW.JINSEY.COM Oh -and I am also a GREAT fan of Arizona!!!! Light is AWESOME and, since i started playing golf more seriously, I'll take any chance I get to get out there!! In fact, I just got engaged and was thinking of having the ceremony out there. .. Well see! Happy New Year!
-Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 18:02:32 (EST)
hey over there ,,,,, imma sendin ya an E ,,, ,, bout ,, Chief Wahoo ~~~ grandnephew of Geronimo i met him not long ago ,,,, 80 yr + ,,,, what a storiezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz he has to share ,,,
-Monday, December 24, 2001 at 17:01:40 (EST)
Bob Snell
Dear Gary, Your site seems quite please excuse this email, if you've responded before. I enjoy your quality of photos and would like to include a link to your site on my links page of some of the top photographers in the country, as well as do a link on my weekly e-zine page, called Bobs Portal, on , which has a considerable international viewing audience. I will look forward to hearing from you as to your permission or not. Naturally there is no reciprocal arrangement required and you are under no obligation what so ever. It is just my way of trying to expose good photographers to viewers of my web site. Happy holidays, Bob
-Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 01:49:28 (EST)
I have a question, What relation is Marion Degrazia to Ted Degrazia? Thank you best regards, Wanda
-Monday, December 17, 2001 at 23:07:48 (EST)


-Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 22:23:35 (EST)
Rhonda Ray
Hello Gary, It was nice talking with you this afternoon, I really enjoyed looking over your web-site. "Good Job" Have a wonderful and safe trip. Happy Holidays Take care and God Bless, Rhonda Ray
-Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 17:05:55 (EST) Trish Craig
Enjoyed meeting you, in a gas station of all places! Would love to have a photograph of my sons and myself. Will try to set something up once I can determine our schedules... with my luck it may not be until late spring! Call you then! Trish
-Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 10:52:01 (EST)
Aaron Gerdes
Great website, Gary! The photographs are wonderful! Keep up the good work. =)
-Saturday, October 13, 2001 at 12:06:36 (EDT)

Gary Auerbach · Platinum Photographer · 1 (520) 245 - 6730
2730 N. Pantano Rd.
Tucson, Arizona, USA 85715
All material © 1992-2025; all rights reserved