We Walk in Beauty

Crucita Romero, Taos Pueblo

Crucita Romero

Do you have a specific memory that stands out in your mind when you were young?
"When I was young, I watched my uncle oil paint on the riverside. The tourists used to buy his 5x8 paintings for a very small fee. I also helped my uncle in his shop (where I am now); he was the very first individual to have a shop at the Pueblo. I gained a lot of experience in working with people and meeting people from all over the world. Even now more."

How is your life different from your parents or grandparents?
"I got to see the better things in life. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to express myself through the many talents that were taught to me. The bread baking, various cookies, pies of different ingredients, the bead work in jewelry and dress. The pottery making and design and most of all the ability to better educate my mind in order to associate with people. This came at an early age of 14 when I started helping my uncle, Albert Lujan, at his studio. I have been in this business ever since."

What traditions from the past do you still continue to practice?
"I still participate in all our cultural activities within the community."

What was your impression on having your photograph taken?
"I'm used to people and tourists asking to take my picture; although they pay me a small fee. Sometimes I wonder if they sell or make money from my photos."

What do you see for the future?
"I hope that my family keeps up the traditions in this manner as a way of making extra money and also to teach their children the ways of our heritage."

Native name: OUTSTANDING DANCER WITH A FLOWER Given name: Crucita L. Romero
Date of birth: April 21, 1920
Place of birth: Taos Pueblo
Tribe: Taos Pueblo
Maternal clan: Lujan Family
Paternal clan: Conchs Family
Year photograph was taken: 1996